
Installation, Configuration and Operation of Hardware > Installation and Configuration of Control Devices > CR2 GPRS Receiver - Configuration >> CR2 GPRS Pre-Requisites - Physical and Virtual

CR2 GPRS Pre-Requisites - Physical and Virtual

CR2 GPRS Pre-Requisites

CR2 GPRS units are pre-configured to operate with Synergy, connecting to the IMC Remote Data Service via cellular GPRS data communications.

The CR2 has a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card pre-installed. As such, your CR2 GPRS should operate with Synergy without further setup of the CR2 GPRS unit itself.

The CR2 GPRS Unit connects to the IMC Remote Data Service via cellular GPRS data communications.

Once connected, data is downloaded from the CR2 GPRS unit and new settings uploaded as required.

The CR2 GPRS unit requires no LAN connection, and does not have an Ethernet connector.

The host Synergy system downloads data from and uploads configuration data to, the IMC Remote Data Service using standard Microsoft WCF technology.

The connection to the IMC Remote Data Service is an outgoing connection from the Synergy system.

Users access Synergy using a browser – such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer - from a PC, or Mac.

There are no inbound connections to the customers LAN.

Provided the customer Firewall allows standard outgoing http Port 80 connections, the System will operate with no customer Firewall configuration changes.


CR2 GPRS Physical Pre-Requisites

The following pre-requisites assume that a final location for the CR2 has been defined after a radio survey.

If this is not the case, then the following should be factored in to deciding the final location:

There should be;

A 24 hour mains outlet within 1.5m of the planned location.
A suitable wall or structure on which the CR2 GPRS Receiver can be mounted so that the antenna is vertical.
Good mobile phone network coverage.

The planned location should NOT;

Be in an area subject to high temperature or humidity levels.
Have any metallic objects within 0.3m of the antenna in any direction.

This includes any structures hidden within walls, pillars etc.


CR2 GPRS Virtual Pre-Requisites

If this is the first CR2 GPRS Control Device that you have purchased from IMC then, before the CR2 GPRS Control Device can be used, you must add your customer Global Unique Identifier (GUID) to Synergy.

You will have received an email from IMC Customer Operations, or your distributor, with your Customer GUID.
Please follow the instructions in the email to enter the GUID into your Synergy system.

Note:If you already have a CR2 GPRS Control Device or iSense unit connected to your Synergy installation, you can ignore this section.

You also need to add each CR2 GPRS as a Device in Synergy and define a Device Group for each CR2 GPRS Control Device.


The Customer Global Unique Identifier (GUID)

You will have received an email from IMC Customer Operations, or your distributor, with your Customer GUID.

Please follow the instructions in the email to enter the GUID into your Synergy system.

Note:If you already have a CR2 GPRS or iSense unit connected to your Synergy installation, you can ignore this section.